Middle Way Philosophy 1: The Path of Objectivity

by Robert M. Ellis 




Projected contents of the remaining volumes. 8

Introduction.. 14

1.     The avoidance of metaphysics. 20

A.     Sceptical arguments. 21

B.     The failure of philosophical arguments against scepticism.. 28

C.     Provisionality. 37

D.     Incrementality. 44

E.     Distinguishing negative metaphysics from agnosticism.. 49

F.     Against a priori arguments for metaphysics. 54

G.     Against revelatory metaphysics. 62

H.     Sceptical slippage and modern forms of negative metaphysics. 73

I.      Against the fact-value distinction. 80

J.      Metaphysical assumptions about the self. 87

2.     The Appeal to Experience. 92

A.     Experience and its adequacy. 93

B.     Experience and meaning. 99

C.     Theory in relation to experience. 106

D.     The phenomenological use of terms. 110

E.     The limitations of empiricism.. 113

3.     The Middle Way. 118

A.     Buddhist inspiration without Buddhist justification. 119

B.     The limitations of traditional Buddhist presentations of the Middle Way  124

C.     The Middle Way in Christianity and Islam.. 130

D.     Defining the poles avoided by the Middle Way. 133

E.     Pragmatism and the feedback loop. 137

F.     No final goals. 142

G.     Dualism and non-dualism.. 147

H.     The Middle Way and the brain. 151

I.      The Middle Way as moral good. 158

J.      The Middle Way as integration. 164

K.     Dialectical aspects of the Middle Way. 168

L.     Distinguishing the Middle Way from metaphysics. 171

4.     Aspects of objectivity. 177

A.     The incremental nature of objectivity. 178

B.     The dispositional nature of objectivity. 182

C.     Scientific or factual objectivity. 185

D.     Moral objectivity. 191

E.     Compassion. 194

F.     Aesthetic objectivity. 199

G.     Objectivity, adaptivity and evolution. 204

5.     Justification.. 210

A.     Rejection of positive foundationalism.. 211

B.     Coherentism.. 214

C.     Agnostic foundationalism.. 218

D.     Agnostic foundationalism in relation to falsifiability. 221

6.     Integration.. 225

A.     Ego-identification. 226

B.     The psyche. 232

C.     Conflict models and integration models. 237

D.     Integration in relation to objectivity. 241

E.     Integration in relation to justification. 244

F.     Group integration. 246

G.     The three types of integration. 250

7.     Ethics. 253

A.     Resolving relativism.. 254

B.     Responsibility. 259

C.     Normativity. 265

D.     Dispositional objectivity and virtue. 270

E.     Virtues and practices. 274

F.     Deontological ethics and agnostic foundationalism.. 278

G.     Moral authority. 286

H.     Calculating consequences. 292

I.      Provisionally derived rules. 303

J.      Rationality and emotion. 307

Bibliography. 311

Brief Glossary  316


Note that page numbers given here refer only to the paperback edition.